Kenji's Summer 2007
Brandy and Kenji in ball caps. 6/23/07 red sparks

blue sparks

Fourth of July fireworks.

yellow sparks

Karl and Kenji inventory the fireworks.

Karl and Kenji inventory the fireworks. 6/25/07

Karl and Kenji bounce a basket ball.

Karl and Kenji bounce a baby-sized basket ball. 6/25/07

Brandy shows Kenji a baby chick.

Brandy shows Kenji a chick. 6/29/07

Kenji pets Wasabi the cat.

In spite what she would have you think, sometimes Wasabi gets so desperate, she'll willing go to Kenji for a pet. 7/1/07

Grandma wraps Kenji in a blanket.

Grandma wraps Kenji in a blanket. 7/3/07

Brandy and Kenji get ready for fireworks.

Brandy and Kenji watch fireworks. 7/3/07

Kenji "cruises" in his playpen.

Kenji "cruises" in his play pen. 7/9/07

Kenji bites his rubber ducky in the bubble bath.

"Ducks are tasty." 7/12/07

Kenji plays with a yellow rubber ducky in the bath.

"First we have to wash them."

Kenji drowns the green rubber ducky.

"It's more humane if you kill them before eating them."

Kenji catches his breath while mommy blows bubbles for him.

"Oh, but I relish the heavenly taste of rubber duckies."

Kenji stands up next to a box.

Proud to be so tall *and mobile.* 7/17/07

Kenji plays Vanna White.

Kenji's Vanna White impression.

Brandy and Kenji stand in a rainbow.

Brandy and Kenji in a rainbow. 7/17/07

Grandma and Kenji

Great Grandma plays with Kenji. 8/4/07

Sam holds Kenji upside down.

Sam the Centrifuge. 8/5/07

Kenji in a bucket swing.

Kenji loves to swing. 8/5/07

Kenji in a bucket swing"Weeee!"

Third cousin Jacilyn dragging a ribbon for Kenji.

Third cousin Jacilyn drags a ribbon for Kenji. 8/7/07

Great Aunt Barb, third cousin Jacelyn, and Kenji

Great Aunt Barb, Jacilyn and Kenji. 8/7/07

Kenji scoops sand at the park.

Kenji plays in the sandbox. 8/7/07

Alex holds Kenji.

Uncle Alex visits Kenji. 8/15/07

Butterfly on mommy's belly.

Butterfly on mommy's belly. 8/22/07

Kenji grabs a leaf.

Kenji plays with a leaf. 8/23/07

Kenji takes a step on the lawn.

Kenji takes a step. 8/24/07

Kenji sits up on the lawn.


Sleepy baby

Kenji still prefers the frog nap position. 8/30/07 Contact Us